Useful Sites to collect information when disasters occur
On the very first day of the New Year in 2024, a major earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula, which is located in Ishikawa Prefecture; on top of that, an unbelievable accident occurred at Haneda Airport on the following day in which two planes collided on the runway.
We offer our condolences to those affected and hope for a speedy recovery, and that travelers visiting Japan were not caught in the middle of these disasters.
If you are in the affected area or have trouble finding your way back, please refer to the following websites:
You can ask question or receive advice from this Chatbot, which is open 24 hours a day:
To collect information on what’s going on, this site is multilingual and offers information on bosai (disaster prevention and preparation):
Also, when travelling in Japan in the future, no one knows where or when what is going to happen, but if you know the following tips on how to protect yourself in the event of an earthquake, there is no need to panic:
We hope you enjoy your trip around Japan safely and peacefully!
Safety Tips APP

Born in Yokohama, and spent most of my school days in Tokyo.
Exchange student experience in the USA (in high school) and Thailand (after graduating from university).
Speak English, Thai and Japanese (of course).
Living in a tranquil island of the Shimanami Kaido.
”I would love to show you around this beautiful area of Setouchi! ”