Visit Resort—A Timeless Gratin Restaurant Cherished by Hiroshima Locals
I would like to introduce Resort—a beloved gratin restaurant in Hiroshima that has consistently drawn crowds and captured the hearts of locals over the years.

Back when I was in junior high school, I used to meet my mother after school exams, and she would often treat me to lunch there. She mentioned that she and my father frequently went there for dates before they got married.

Resort is a well-established icon founded in 1975 that can be found on the third floor of a building one street from Hondori (the main street).

Unless you’re from the city, you might not know of this restaurant that’s remained so popular it still draws lines of people.

Not surprisingly, the restaurant was fully booked within 30 minutes of opening on the day I visited. In fact, a line was already forming before noon.

The corn soup and onion salad before the gratin dish remain the same as they were back then.

The onion salad is topped with bonito flakes—a traditional Japanese preserved food made by drying and slicing fish. The mild acidity of ponzu over onions with almost no spiciness was what made me fall in love with onion salads.

The corn soup has a simple sweetness from the corn and a creamy texture, reminiscent of the nostalgic flavors of traditional cuisine.

Inside is the curry doria (rice gratin), generously filled with clams. The combination of creamy mild white sauce and the spiciness of curry spices is exceptional. You will savor this dish until the last spoonful.
I highly recommend giving it a try if you want to experience flavors cherished by the locals in Hiroshima! This is the essence of Japanese gratin!
Eating this gratin for the first time in a while made me feel the history of the city and the kindness of its people—almost bringing tears to my eyes.
You’re sure to find your favorite spot out of the many other restaurants in this area loved by office workers and students.
Opening hours: 11:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. (last order 3:00 p.m.)/5:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. (last order 7:45 p.m.)
*Open on Sundays
*Closed on Monday and Thursday evenings
Location: Gratin & Salad Restaurant RESORT
Contact: Official Instagram of Gratin & Salad Restaurant RESORT
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"Discover the Depths of Setouchi with me as your Best Hiroshima Friend!"
I've explored approximately 50 countries from their world heritage sites to even local schools, using local public transportation. I have experienced that the information and knowledge shared by locals made the landscapes and world heritage sites before me more vibrant and more beautiful. And interaction with local people have become treasures in my life.
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Born and raised in Hiroshima, a third-generation survivor of the atomic bombing.
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