Local Cider with Hiroshima Lemons in Peace Memorial Park for Hot Days
After a lot of walk in Peace Memorial Park, how about refreshing yourself with “Hiroshima Lemon Cider,” a local cider made with Hiroshima lemons? Hiroshima boasts the highest lemon production in Japan, and its lemons are loved throughout the country for their mild acidity, known as “Hiroshima Lemons.”
Hiroshima still has hot days. Last month, a guest from the United States tried it during a tour and exclaimed, “This is incredibly delicious!”
Location: Rest House 1F Souvenir Area
Business Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Price: 303 yen

"Discover the Depths of Setouchi with me as your Best Hiroshima Friend!"
I've explored approximately 50 countries from their world heritage sites to even local schools, using local public transportation. I have experienced that the information and knowledge shared by locals made the landscapes and world heritage sites before me more vibrant and more beautiful. And interaction with local people have become treasures in my life.
Now, it's my turn!
Born and raised in Hiroshima, a third-generation survivor of the atomic bombing.
Summer means BEER!
Winter means Hiroshima HOT SAKE!
I’ll give you vibrant and beautiful information from Setouchi and guide you deep into Setouchi as your Best Hiroshima Friend!